Latest Inspiring Story

young girl on park slide

In our current group of kids who are about half-way through their 12-week program, we have a 4 year old little girl who is making leaps and bounds in her expressive language!

When I met Khalilah (Kah-lee-lah) 6 weeks ago she had maybe 10 words that she would use regularly. However she has already started repeating more things that she hears her sister and parents say, as well as using new words to functionally reference items, videos, activities she is interested in!  She has just recently been assigned her speech therapist and weekly Speech sessions will begin soon. Her parents and I are very excited to see how much faster her expressive language will progress now that she will be receiving both microcurrent and speech therapy.

I often use examples like this to explain to interested parents how microcurrent therapy works.  “Microcurrent will not teach your child language, but it will help the brain get into an open, present, ready-to-learn state more often. At that point your child will be prepared to learn more language, which is why coupling microcurrent with other therapies – like Speech – is so imperative.”